Posted by Jackie Bellamy-Zions, Equine Guelph on Aug 8th 2022
The thinking on how we use antibiotics is changing in the world
of medicine especially as we learn more about their impact on the inhabitants
of the gut. Ontario Veterinary College researcher, Dr. D
Posted by Joyce Harman, DVM, MRCVS on Aug 2nd 2022
Hitting Pay Dirt!
CREATING A DIVERSE HEALTHY PASTUREEquine health (and human health, for that matter) is closely intertwined with soil health. Soil health directly affects plant health and the nutrients available to th
Posted by Joyce Harman, DVM, MRCVS on Aug 2nd 2022
Holistic Deworming
There are several ways to deworm horses without using harsh chemicals. Each of them takes a bit more work and attention to detail than using a conventional paste, however the rewards exceed the effort
Posted by Joyce Harman, DVM, MRCVS on Aug 2nd 2022
To Blanket, or Not to Blanket…That is the Question
Question: How do I know if my horse is cold? I put him out in cold weather with a shed, but he will not go in it. I am not sure how many blankets he needs to keep warm.Answer: Horses are much better a
Posted by Joyce Harman, DVM, MRCVS on Aug 2nd 2022
What Is Health?
When looking at medicine from a CAVM standpoint, the first question to ask is what is health? Health is defined as freedom from disease. According to this definition many domesticated horses are not t
Posted by Joyce Harman, DVM, MRCVS on Aug 2nd 2022
The Energetics Of Food
Chinese food energetics is an emerging concept in animal medicine,
particularly for small animals. However, it has not yet gained widespread
attention in the equine world. Processed, prepackaged hor