
Lyme and bugs come with spring!

Posted by Joyce Harman, DVM, MRCVS on Apr 10th 2023

Lyme and bugs come with spring!

As spring rolls around, the warm weather and longer days bring out ticks and other pesky insects that can spread diseases to your horses, like Lyme disease. Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria call …

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CO2 to the Rescue!

Posted by Joyce Harman, DVM on Nov 2nd 2022

CO2 to the Rescue!

Transdermal Carbon Dioxide Treatment for Multiple Wound and Circulation IssuesUsing carbon dioxide (CO2) as part of a treatment? It’s true, I have been working with these folks for over a year that ha …

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Hemp – Just the Facts

Posted by Maryanna Phinn on Nov 2nd 2022

Hemp – Just the Facts

Ask the average American to explain what “hemp” is and you’ll frequently get a vague explanation that almost always associates this amazing plant with marijuana. This is only partially correct. Hemp …

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Lyme Disease in the Equine

Posted by Joyce Harman, DVM on Aug 18th 2022

Lyme Disease in the Equine

Lyme disease (LD) has been recognized for about 40 to 50 years. It is now the most commonly reported tick-borne illness in the United States and Europe and it is found in Asia and Australia. Since …

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