Styrofoam Foot Support System link for laminitis

Styrofoam Foot Support System link for laminitis
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From the people at Equine Digit Support System

Click on this link: to access the information about how to put styrofoam blocks on for acute laminitis. you can get their blocks to have on hand, or go to the hardware store and buy 2 inch thick blue styrofoam and cut your own.You will leave this website, and scroll down on the linked page to see videos of how to apply these blocks.

Some pieces of Styrofoam and this link should be in everyone's first aid kit since this is one of the most important first line treatments for laminitis. Applying the Styrofoam blocks is something everyone can do, so you as the owner, can get started with treatment even before the vet arrives, and can continue to help your horse be less painful and heal faster.